Location: Lozorno, SK Author: txt architekti Status: study Year: 2015 Client: privat investor GBA: 330 sqm
Our client wanted to change a one-generationhousewith additional buildings totwo-generations house,sothatinthe originalpartof the housecouldlivemother, and daughter with family will live in the new part.The effortwasto solvethe building so thatthe house waslivableduringconstruction.After anumber of differentvariantsclient finally choosethe solution withday area on ground floor and the night part ofthe house on the first floor.In the originalhouseremainedroomson the ground floor.Althoughboth apartmentshave separate entrances,but if necessaryman can transitbetween both apartments through interior.After thestudy,the projecthas been completed by civil engeneering company - our partner.