Location: Polny Kesov, SK Author: txt architekti Status: implementation Year: 2015 Client: Thermal Park Nitrava GBA: 2 525 sqm
We were asked for cooperation by the civil engeneering company Portik, which was tasked to design reconstructionandexpand of thethermal parkin Polny Kesov.The first phasedesignedPortik themselvesandwe joined them onthe drafting water slide arena and following phases. Shapeandlayout, we haveadapted tothe slopingterrainand spectacularnatural surroundings.The wholebuildingis dominated by themainstaircase of the water slides tower, whichverticalityis compounded by shaped roofof the arena. The roof is falling towards the towerwhat alsoreducesthe space requiredfor heatingduring thewhole year season. The arena will consist of a total of7 different slides.The main attractionamong themshould be the highest"Kesov´srocket", which will beusedin Slovakiafor the very firsttime.